Welcome Post

 Hi all,

FPL 22/23 OR: 12,187

My names Dylan, I've been writing football content for a couple years, and have been writing posts for Allaboutfpl for one season, and I thought that it was time create a page of my own so that I could create some original content, as well as promoting the stuff that I write for AAFPL. I'm looking at creating an instagram too (Link pending), where again the idea will just be promotion of posts, maybe some player spotlights; we'll see!

If you've never read my stuff before then check out my account page on AAFPL (https://allaboutfpl.com/author/dylan/), where you can read some of the posts that I've done in the past. What I'll be posting here will be a similar tone and style to what I write there, relatively informal, indepth and generally stats based.

Hopefully I'll be able to use stats in ways that other content creators don't, really drilling down into the details and providing my thinking and analysis behind all of my picks/opinions. I want this page to be as non-clickbaity as possible, providing long-reads for those who are looking for something more in-depth than what other creators provide.

Anyway this is just a first post to introduce myself and provide you all with an outline for what I'm looking to do, and for what you can expect from this page.

